More than a learning experience,
since 1995!
About us...
The Center for Cross-Cultural Learning (CCCL) is a private educational and cultural institution founded in 1995 and directed by Moroccan academics with many years of experience in cross-culture.
The CCCL designs, develops and runs study abroad, customized, faculty-led, alternative breaks, short and long term programs for various schools and universities worldwide. We offer courses, seminars, internships, and cross-cultural orientation and follow up to our students in coordination with their schools. Immersion is gained through living with Moroccan host families, and learning the Arabic language.
The CCCL also operates adult educational led-learning trips in Morocco for organizations only. The Center aims at providing participants with remarkable opportunities to learn from the rich cultural diversity of Morocco and to better understand and appreciate the country’s cultural heritage.
The CCCL sits on 3 sites:
Laalou: The main building is set in a19th Century house located in the Medina of Rabat. The building counts offices, classrooms, a large conference room, a space for a cafeteria and a panoramic terrace. The classrooms, conference room and hall are equipped available for rental.
Legza: This site is located in another side of the Median and includes classrooms, two conference rooms, offices, a terrace and is connected to the private Will Rollman library.
Dar El Mamoun: is one block from the main building and offers a large conference room suitable for projections, and an office and classroom for rent.
The private Will Rollman library is open for all CCCL participants and holds 10,000 books ranging from Literature, Politics, Religion, Law etc… as well as 1,500 of our students’ theses examining Moroccan issues during their stay.

Message from our founders
"The mission of the Center for Cross Cultural Learning is founded on the conviction that peaceful interactions of diverse peoples open up unlimited opportunities for prosperity, intellectual enrichment, and enhance the potentials for happiness and enjoyment. The realization of these idealist conditions requires ambitious grand agendas adopted by states and international organizations. It also relies more concretely on tangible modest self-sustaining initiatives conceived and implemented on the ground by individuals and small organizations as in our case at the CCCL. Our programs are designed for participants of a wide variety of nationalities, ages, cultures, genders and religions. They aim at providing the appropriate condition for healthy human encounters based on the principles that people are equal, that knowledge is the answer to prevalent misconceptions, that mutual respect is necessary for healthy and frank multicultural dialogues, and that direct human contact can serve as means to discover and nourish the goodness in us all. These convictions and principles serve as mottos and guidelines that frame the courses and multi-cultural experiences that we offer or administer in the areas of study abroad, educational tourism, internships, language teaching, volunteerism, homestay, as well as the multi-lingual and multi-thematic conferences, poetry reading, film shows, and music performances that we sponsor."
Abdelhay Moudden & Farah Cherif d'Ouezzan